Pleats pleats pleats.
It's a great look but a pain to make.
Well, for the most part.
Working on the Dior group, pleating is essential.
There are pleated skirts and lots of them.
Years a go I got a pleater board which I use for most of my pleating.
It works great for knife pleats, but when you have a circular skirt it just won't do.
The hem line shifts and you get a mess, the pleat is narrow at the top and wider at the bottom, which a pleater board just won't do.
So I turned to google and utube and found lots of demonstrations on how its done, except for how to make the initial board.
I tried few times to create this board but failed.
But I am stubborn and won't give up without a fight.
So I found another video on utube on making the fan pleated board.
I now have to make it and see how it works.
I tried pleating the semicircle skirt by using a pleater foot on the waist and the hem line.
wet the fabric and hold with clamps
It did not work.
It might be a great idea for a wrinkled crushed look, but for clean pleats it was a big no no.
So tomorrow I will go about making the fan boards and see how it works.
Hopefully it will since I could not find a board like this for sale in doll sizes.
A bummer.
So till later.
Stay safe.