Bit by bit putting it together
Really, it is just like that. Or feather by feather.
I started gluing the feathers to the skirt.

First I had to separate the feather and divide it into small scallop shape sections,

Than the gluing started.

I worked on the first row and worked my way around and once the first row was dry I started with the second row covering the spaces in between the feathers in the first row and so on.

While the feathers were drying, I worked on the top.
I decided that the way to close the top will be using loops so it will close like a corset should. So I glued the loops on the inside of the back and covered with the clay to have the loops embedded in the back.
Pictures pleaseeeeeeee.

Once all was dry I sanded it to smooth all the rough edges. Then I painted it with red acrylic and sprayed with a decoupage spray sealant, which gives the top a very shiny finish. Almost like lacquer.

I wanted to line the inside of the corset but realized that doing so will add bulk to the corset and will screw the fitting up, so I thought to myself, what about flocking.
What about it? you wonder, or not.
Well, I have never done flocking, nor did I even know how to go about getting it and I didn't even know how you get it. Get the idea.
I googled it and lo and behold I found tons of flocking supplies in many colors. I opted to get white so not to stain the doll body.
Once I got it I tried a small area and it worked.
So even though I did not get pictures of the process, the inside is flocked and has a nice fuzzy feel to it.
Next step was setting the side straps so it will give the corset its 'hinges'.
I used leather with a small silver buckle and yes there are pictures of that.

Now the next step is putting it all together, but this is a chapter for another blog.
So till next time.....