When something is missing
When I was putting this outfit together, I had in mind to add a black full skirt that will puff the coat and will show from the front. I...
So I changed my mind.
I worked on the patterns for the mini Winter group that I told you all about in the last blog. And I kind of got board. So whenever I...
The coats are ready.
Well the initial design is ready. Three basic coat design that I will make in various fabrications and add elements as I go along. Hoods,...
Winter in upon us.
It's been a while since I posted my last blog. After working on the welcome back Ellowyne group, I took a break from doing the fashion....
Ellowyne welcome back line.
These are the fabrics I chose for the first group. I do hope there will be more coming after this line. Of course if nothing sells I...
Ellowyne is back.
During the virtual Shoot for the stars convention, Robert Tonner unveiled the new Ellowyne dolls. The dolls were not in production in a...
RED, RED, RED for 12" dolls.
In the spirit of the pervious red dresses that I made for the 12" dolls I am continuing with some new designs. here are the new sketches...
Its been a while
I am back. It's been a while since my last blog. I was busy working on other projects and the doll fashion took a back seat for a while....
Mood Indigo Homme part Two
I must admit that I am completely immersed in the Japanese theme. The more I dig into the fashion the more things I find to do. In this...
Mood Indigo Homme
Well, it's all done. At least the first four. I have to admit that I had a great time making this group and by all means that is not the...